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Ms. Margaret E. Chiles

Whitby, Ontario

Dear Richard and Linda,

As I’m sitting at my computer and looking at the date, I realized that it is two years ago that I went through absolute “hell.” The decision by my LTD carrier to cancel my benefits had thrown me into a state of depression, panic and disbelief. I had lost my belief in the right of due process and found out what it was like to be treated as a fraudulent person. A person’s whole belief structure is altered when facing the type of fight I faced with the insurance company. At the same time I was also faced with fighting our own government disability insurance plan – CPP – a fight which only compounded the horrible feelings I was going through.

Thanks to both of you, Richard for your taking on my insurance carrier and Linda for doing the same with Canada Pension, we have won! When I received your call, Linda, telling me that I had won my CPP and then your follow-up call, Richard, congratulating me, I cried tears of happiness – a repeat of when I heard I had won the insurance settlement. Only this time I felt that a final weight was gone. I still sit in disbelief that it is over. Without your expertise, understanding, belief in my case; without the compassion, caring and counseling provided by both of you and all of your staff I know I would not have survived the last two years whole.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Please give yourselves a mental hug and accept my family’s and my congratulations on a fight well fought.

Yours sincerely,

– Margaret E. Chiles

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