Long-Term Disability Webinar Banner
The Annals of Personal Injury Law

Long-Term Disability Benefits: When illness or injury prevents you from working

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    Long-Term Disability (“LTD”) benefits are intended to provide the peace of mind that you will be financially supported should a medical condition or multiple conditions prevent you from working.

    LTD benefits are not limited to policies purchased by an employer, but can also be privately purchased directly by the beneficiary. This webinar will cover the following key topics:

    • LTD vs. STD: what is the difference between short-term and long-term disability benefits?
    • Eligibility: common criteria to qualify for LTD;
    • Process: from submitting an application to appealing a denial;
    • Other Related Benefits: if an injury prevents you from returning to work, other income supplemental benefits may be available to you;
    • Common Myths: debunking common myths and misinformation about LTD.

    This webinar will be informative for all, and particularly to those who are currently considering an application for LTD. Having this knowledge before the onset of an injury or illness can equip you with the tools to navigate through what may be a stressful process.

    Feel free to contact Bogoroch & Associates LLP at 416-599-1700 with your LTD questions or if your application has been unreasonably denied.

    Long-Term Disability Benefits: When a medical condition prevents you from working
    Starting on
    October 19, 2021
    Ending on
    September 19, 2021
    This webinar will be informative for all, and particularly to those currently considering an application for LTD. Having this knowledge before the onset of an injury or illness can equip you with the tools to navigate through what may be a stressful process.
